Thursday, 27 May 2010

2010-05-27 Frog post! Haiku and gogyohka


Here are photos of some of the frogs in my garden together with some haiku and gogyohka.


I wait patiently,
in mid-leap frog caught by dog
camera goes plop


extract frog gently
and carefully from dog's mouth
frog leaps in pool...plop


(tadpoles sunbathing - lighter coloured tadpole on far right is just growing legs)


big frog very proud
hundreds of sons, all alike
new mama frog tired


(tadpoles sunbathing - tadpole on left is growing four legs)


wriggling and squirming
tadpoles enjoy the sunshine
then they dart below



(this tadpole/young frog now has four definite legs and they don't congregate in groups now)



living dangerously
slug finds grass greener
other side of fence



a frog sitting
perfectly still
waiting for fly




feet slide down sheets
and touch...I whip back top sheet
a frog looks at me balefully
dog looks innocent
cats make themselves scarce



I see dustball leaping
along bedroom floor
I get my glasses
catch dustball...a frog inside




patiently sitting
not a movement all day long
until dog sniffs frog




shadows lengthening
pond as black as night
a dark frog waiting




princess looked at pond,
screwed up her face, "Frog Prince, find
a dry home for me"




frog jumps in old pond
on top of the green duckweed
no splash can be heard




the splash of old frog
leaping into dark water
ripples reach the moss



sweet fragrant lilac
blossoms falling on frog pond



Sunday, 2 May 2010

2010-05-20 haiku


little tin soldier
sailed down river to the sea
mermaids will find him



raven lands on tree
cherry branch bends down and down
the raven flies off


wing beats


dragon in the sky
his head turns round, mouth reaching
and he eats his tail


two black cats
sleep as yin and yang
both sides black


a seahorse
made of bone



along the seashore
conspiracy of silence
shells whispered the truth


every night she slept
with the scented envelope
under her pillow


she looked in mirror
watched water rising within
then heard it splashing



queen of the night, she
threw her gem spangled mantle
around sleeping world


sleepwalked in the night
sat in front of mirror, brushed
hair she could not see


in my rocking chair
backwards and forwards
even twitter quiet


weeping willow tree
bower covers wooden seat
hides secret lovers



fairies shimmering
their wings gently fluttering
courtesy of springs


a breeze of sparrows
darting in and out
rustling the birch leaves


under the willow
conspiracy of silence
kept within those leaves


a mist enfolding
conspiracy of silence
took silence with it



found she was bound by
conspiracy of silence,
it did not stop her


the forest at dawn
conspiracy of silence
fairies whispering


the child watched, then felt
the haunting sense of loss as
magic disappeared



said a little spell
children sat on magic rug
it rose in the air


girl dancing
her face painted
spider web


she searched everywhere
could not find what she wanted
turned round, it was there



happily all day
child traced patterns with a stick
in dry sandy soil


crouching intently
the child jumps on her shadow
shadow jumps away



the child on the beach
throws a bottle in the sea
a message within


child picked up pieces
of sea worn bottle-green glass
her pockets heavy


child hid in cool cave
searching for some peace
she sat very still



the silent swan
softly gliding by
